Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bonnie & Clyde (2010)

Hollywood icons Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty are none too pleased after learning that there is a revamped version of their 1967 classic Bonnie And Clyde in the works.

The two Oscar winners both said, ”Why?” upon hearing the news little-known director Tonya S. Holly will direct The Story of Bonnie and Clyde, based on her own screenplay, The Chicago Sun-Times reported on Wednesday.

According to The Sun-Times scoop, leading lady Faye Dunaway is especially disturbed that her role as Bonnie Parker in the ten time Academy Award-nominated original will be portrayed by former Disney tweener Hilary Duff.

”Couldn’t they at least cast a real actress?”


The Story Of Bonnie & Clyde will be released in 2010.

Source: PopCrunch

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