Thursday, February 26, 2009

Total Recall (2011)

Neal H. Moritz and his Original Films are in final negotiations to develop and produce for Columbia Pictures a contemporary version of Total Recall, the 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger sci-fi action movie directed by Paul Verhoeven, says The Hollywood Reporter.

The original, based on the Philip K. Dick story "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale," follows a man haunted by a recurring dream of journeying to Mars who buys a literal dream vacation from a company called Rekall Inc., which sells implanted memories. The man comes to believe he is a secret agent and ends up on a Martian colony, where he fights to overthrow a despotic ruler controlling the production of air.

The movie explores one of Dick's favorite topics, reality vs. delusion, as audiences never knew whether or not the story was a dream. Either way, the movie grossed a very real $261 million worldwide.

Calling Dick's story "prescient," Moritz said he hoped the advancements in technology and state-of-the-art visual effects can help tell the "Recall" story in a fresh way.



  1. So are they remaking every Paul Verhoeven film now? I can't wait to see Showgirls: The Gritty Reimagining!

  2. i cant believe they would remake the best movie ever made. ridiculous. they should jus tdo a sequal.

  3. Pointless. Part of the fun watching a movie is not knowing the story. This is doomed to fail...
