Thursday, July 2, 2009

Buffy The Vampire Slayer (2011)

Hollywood is developing a big screen reboot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer without Buffy creator Joss Whedon. Did you hear that? its the simultaneous gasp of Buffy fanboys (and fangirls) worldwide.

Fran Rubel Kuzui, who directed the original 1992 movie which spawned the television series, is developing the relaunch with Vertigo Entertainment. The characters and canon created in the television series will be completely abandoned.

According to Reuters, the goal would be to “make a darker, event-sized movie” with “franchise potential.” The story would follow a new vampire slayer who must step up to protect the new generation. Kuzui says the the new movie will hopefully take “Buffy into a new place.” The parties won’t rule out Whedon’s involvement, but are currently meeting with writers and hearing pitches.

I have yet to really give the television series a chance, but everyone I know with geek cred swears by it. I never thought that the concept was anything really special. It seems to me that Whedon’s characters and character development elevated the show above other typical genre series. And a big screen movie or television show without his involvement would most likely suck.


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