Thursday, July 2, 2009

Drop Dead Fred (2011)

Universal Pictures is developing a remake of Drop Dead Fred for Russell Brand to star in, says The Hollywood Reporter.

Dennis McNicholas (upcoming Land of the Lost) will write the remake. Marc Platt is producing via his studio-based Marc Platt Productions along with Working Title's Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner.

The 1991 original starred Phoebe Cates as a wallflower who loses her job and husband during the course of a lunch hour. Forced to live back home, she's reunited with her childhood imaginary friend (Brit actor Rik Mayall), who promises to help but causes more havoc.

The trade says the take for the update is to make a film in the tone of Beetlejuice, building a universe around the concept of imaginary friends. Brand would play the trouble-making pal.

Coming Soon



  2. YAY!!!! I loved this movie so much when I was little. I saw it on Netflix and watched it because I just remembered how much I missed it. I googled "Drop Dead Fred" for fun just now in class and BOOM! REMAKE! HAPPY DAY!!!!!!! Will for sure see!

  3. This is stupid, No movie can compare to the original film of Drop Dead Fred.

  4. though no movie will compare to the original 'drop dead fred' that every child loved... a remake will definitely be fun to see! cant wait..

  5. OMG... I love this movie more than life its self, cant wait for the new one to come out, I will be first in line to buy a ticket or rent the dvd, goooooooooooo!!!! drop dead fred

  6. no!!! boo new fred!!!! any remake that has been made has never been good.. look at alice in wonderland just released... its shockingly bad

  7. The only reason why Hollywood does all these remakes ALL THE TIME is because it does not have the real talent anymore to write new stuff and movies worthy of a glance let alone the patients to sit and watch for an hour or so..... It's like Pip's old aunt in the Dickens' classic reminiscing over that old dried up rotting wedding cake........

  8. Yeah they should quit while they are ahead. we can introduce other generations to the real drop dead fred, no need for a remake that will no doubt suck! no one can be drop dead fred like rik mayall!

  9. I think Russel Brand will ruin this movie, and make a horrible impact on the old Drop Dead Fred. Rik Mayall is a legend of his time, and Brand is a joke..

  10. I would love to see the remake. I think it would be a hit. Kids would love it!-- Can't wait!

  11. Their going to ruin the movie. Period.

    If they made a sequel instead of a remake with Rik Mayall, I'd be happy.

    Man. This remake is gonna suck.

  12. The remake is never the same as the original. Why mess with something that was good the begin with. I think it's a bad move.

  13. I freakin love Russell brand and drop dead fred I can't freakin wait! YAY!

  14. i cant beleave it they are going to mess up an other grate movie!!!! this sucks big time

  15. Russell Brand is freaking hilarious. He is going to make a whole new kind of Fred, so it will be amazing!

  16. i make love to fred

  17. Anonymous said...
    i cant beleave it they are going to mess up an other grate movie!!!! this sucks big time

    learn how to spell 'great' and then come back and comment.. k.. thanks :)

  18. noooooo never has a remake ever been good this would just ruin the original drop dead fred it will make it trendy and famous as the new version and i don't like it one bit!

  19. This is a horrible idea. What another stupid idea from hollywood.To cast the unfunny and untalented russell brand as Fred is an insult to Rik Mayall.


    Stop making re-makes! What happened to original ideas? What is wrong with film makers nowadays?

  21. Going to love the remake ! So in love with russel brand. Sexy!!!mmhmm It will b a good movie I know it!

  22. leave the originals alone!! you know it only makes it worse, dont ruin a good thing, i like Russel brand but come on leave Rick Mayall with it please?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Fuck Russel Brand, he won't be able to even come close to the original. Unless the original is a mush-mouthed drug addict that sodomizes the little girl.

  25. Not all remakes are bad... have you seen EVERY remake ever made? Exactly.. so shut up! I think Russell Brand is the best guy to play someone like fred! Kids now days dont appreciate the "old" movies so making a remake of a movie that we all grew up loving will be a great chance for them to love the movie like we all did!

  26. I'm so excited I looooveeeee thisss. When's it coming outttt?

  27. THIS WAS MY FAVORITE MOVIE. i hope they do well by it, the 2 creeky scenes in the movie are the most important parts.

  28. Bryn....your a cinema retard

  29. Well, haters, Rik Mayall had to be googled by myself. And, unsurprisingly, seemed to be linked only to pics of the movie mentioned herein. I think it's safe to say he's not a "legend." However, Russell Brand... Well, you know the name ;)

  30. Also to all remake haters... News flash: There are no original stories. Since the days of cavemen have the same fireside tales been told. Trauma, coping, growing, good conquering evil. It's all the same thing. It's the storyteller that makes things entertaining.

  31. Yea so until today i had no idea who played Fred or who Russsell Brand was...but i think they look and sound very similar and he will do a magnificent job as Fred. It was my favorite movie growing up and cant wait to see the new one with my lil girl now!

  32. It's not going to be the same. Rik has a particular style that no-one can reproduce, and the same goes for Brand. I don't dislike Brand, nor do I resent him being in this remake (if anyone was going to do it, he's the best man for the job), but I resent the fact they are remaking it AT ALL. Just the same with all other remakes- there is no point. If the original was great enough to warrant a remake, then it's great enough not to need one too.

    Lastly, to the person who said Rik's name only comes up on Google linked to this film- you need to start educating yourself on people before assuming things. If you knew the first thing about him, you'd know he is primarily a British tv comedian/tv actor. You'd also know that he was proportionally very successful in his day.

  33. This is rubbish and its lazy! Rik Mayall is the one and only drop dead fred! if this remake is shit. i will die! >_<

  34. when can not wait to see it

  35. Sorry, you can't beat Rik Mayall. This film will never happen...

  36. Love love love it!!! it was my favorite movie as a kid and now I can share it with my kids in a way they will enjoy it!!!!! Gosh this is gonna be great!!!

  37. its 2012 and there hasnt been a remake yet...
